Hey everyone, here´s the update for the week (it´s
probably more like an update for the month by now, because I´m a slacker
at group emailing):
First off, I hope that everyone from my family
is alright and learning to love going without power and boiling water
and cleaning up fallen trees and dealing with floods and mudslides. That
sounds like an adventure for you all. Some of it sounds a little
familiar... Mostly just the power outages for long periods of time and
filtering water, haha, hopefully the weather gets better there and that
there aren´t more enchantments of large green vortexes over our house
knocking over trees anymore...
Well, this week has been good, we had changes this week, but me and
my companion stay the same. The other Elders in our area had changes
though. The elder who´s had a ton of time
in this area and basically taught me how to do everything here in the
branch left. An elder who was in my MTC district came in his place, which
is cool because we already know each other and have gotten right to
work. We´ve done a ton of divisions with him this week, so that I can
teach him how to do a lot of stuff here in the branch because his
companion is still just barely starting out in the mission and is
learning spanish more than anything. So that was the big change this
week. We´ve had a lot to do for the branch this week too. We did visits
on saturday with all 4 elders, but a lot of people said that they
weren´t going to come to church this sunday because of another festival
that they had in Yuscaran (I´ve come to hate the festivals here in
yuscaran, because they´re pointless and always on sundays, and they´ve
had like 5 already in the 4 months I´ve been here). So almost all of the
members had children in the parade, and it was required that the
children would go to the parade, so everyone said that they weren´t
going to come. So sunday morning, I had all of the classes prepared and a
sacrament talk prepared to give, because nobody would take any
assignments because they weren´t going to come. Then, at like 9:30, we
have 1 member at church, so we are just waiting for more people to come,
when the 2nd counselor to the mission president comes in to our
meeting, and of course he comes on the worst day possible to come to one
of our meetings. We talked to him for a while, and with him and 1 more
member that showed up, we had sunday school, and after we had sacrament
meeting, with 7 people in the meeting: 4 elders, the 2nd counselor, and 2
members, while we listened to the noise of the marching bands from the
parade right outside. We took the sacrament, and after we finished,
President turned to me and asked ´Are you going to give talks this
sunday or no?´, and I told him that each of the elders had something
prepared to share, but he said that we should just end the meeting
early, without any sacrament talks, so I announced that this sunday, we
wouldn´t have any talks, and we ended the meeting. So that was the most
tiny, pathetic little sacrament meeting that I had seen in my life.
We´ve also had a few meetings that we´ve had to go to and a bunch
of errands to run. I ran around Tegus doing a whole bunch of stuff
today, and worked more than relaxed - a normal pday for me now, haha.
But we got everything done today while we were there in Tegus, and I got
everything I needed.
Anyways, it´s been a crazy week, but it´s been good. It´s been
hard, because we have no investigators right now, and way too much stuff
to do for the branch, but we´ll have to balance our time to go out and
contact and teach and preach and work as missionaries do. :D
I hope that everyone´s doing well!!
Love you all!
Elder Ward