Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 5, 2014

Dear Sister Ward,
I thought you might want a little heads up. Your son has Dengue Fever again! He will still be able to fly home on Wed. but, he needs to drink 3 quarts of water a day, rest (no outside activities for at least a week) and he should take Tylenol every 6 hours. He may need a blood test (CBC) to make sure his platelets and white blood cells have returned to normal. This occurrence has been less severe. We are so sorry we couldn't send him home in better health.
It has been an honor to know your son and work with him! He is an excellent missionary!
Hna S

Later in the day, in answer to our questions...

Sister Ward,
Our Area Medical Doctor says his platelets are high enough there shouldn't be any complications. Your son knows what to do.
You only need a doctor so he can order a CBC blood test. The blood test will tell when the white blood cells and platelets are going up. The only treatment for Dengue Fever is water, water, water, rest and Tylenol (1 or 2 he knows). Also Welches grape juice helps to produce platelets. Hand him a liter of water when you see him and some grape juice when he gets home. Activity wise: if he doesn't have to go out… don't. Sitting and visiting is fine. Standing and walking around a lot is not advisable. He should be able to give his talk. 
He will know how he feels … don't push it too fast.
Enjoy your son. Resting and visiting. Look at it this way …You will have his undivided attention!
Email anytime,
Hna S

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